Monday, April 26, 2010

Sometimes good technology is just not enough

To generate value of new IT Projects, good technology alone will not do it. IT is not just technology , but technology behind business goals, so IT and Business Leadership have to be aligned, without this alignment any IT Project is doomed to fail.

Below are some key issues that have to be looked at for successful IT implementations

- The right mix of people have to be involved in the Project for it to succeed.
- Business processes have to be understood in order to apply new technologies
- Buy-in has to exist from Corporate sponsors
- Proper Training has to be implemented
- Skilled staff to manage the day to day activities of the Project have to be procured
- The right supervision to properly measure the advancement of the project needs to be in place

If these conditions don't exist more than likely the Project will be a failure and will be added to the 70% of failed IT Projects statistics

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